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Version 2.0 Is Coming Soon!

February 8, 2022 -

Exciting Announcement!
After almost 9 years of working of Khrysos Hunters, I'm ready to share it with the world.
Starting 2.22.2022 Khrysos Hunters version 2.0 will be available as a print-and-play game.
I will be starting as a public beta version and will take feedback from players on updates to the game and balancing.
I plan to continue to support the game with regular releases and expansions.
I made Khrysos Hunters to bring people together and have fun, and I think the world needs that now more than ever.
Printed copies and merch will be available for sale at if you want to support the project.
Feel free to share this around! The more people who get to play it the merrier!
Have fun and happy hunting!

©2024 Josh Rivers